Hi, my name is Narcissus and you all might know me because of loving myself. I am the daughter of Endymion, and Selene, the moon. My beauty is so extensive, that it is compare to those of Adonis, Endymion, and Hylas. When I was born, Tyresias asked the seer if I would live a long life and she replied: “If he never knows himself”.
When I was sixteen years old, Echo, the nymph fell in love with me. But I didn’t love her, so she went to the mountains and disappeared. Since that moment, every other nymph fell in love with me. But I didn’t love them back, so I ignored them. After rejecting them, one nymph prayed that anyone would love me, but that I would be the only one loving me. Nemesis heard that pray, and while I was walking I saw my reflection on a pool and fell in love with myself. Don’t you think I am so beautiful?

Because I couldn’t have what I saw on the pool, I died of sorrow by the same pool. After I died, anybody found my body; instead, they found the flower that was named after me. Some people keep telling that I live in the river Styx, in the Underworld, but I would not reveal to anybody where do I really live.
- No Author. "Echo and Narcissus". Retrived on November 25, 2007, from: http://www.online-mythology.com/echo_narcissus/
- Parada, Carlos. "Narcisus Greek Mythology Link". Retrived on November 24, 2007, from: http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Narcissus.html
Tomas Jaramillo Restrepo
10 A
November 27, 2007