Hi my name is king Midas.
I am recognize for the toach of gold with my fingertip. I am the king of Phrygia, a region nowadays part of Turkey. My life used to be normal until one day. My armhands brought me a creatures part man, mart goat that they had caught napping in the vineyard. I inmediately recognize him, he was Silenus; son of the god Dionysus, and I order him to set free. Silensu and Dionysus were so impresse with my kindness, so Dinysus decide to consider me a wish. I decide that my wish was: that everything I touch would become gold. Sorprised with my new talent, I began to touch everything i can, I began with some fruits and then a stool and then a woody lambkin, buth these become in gold, even my oun daugther; she was transformed into a life-size golden statue. At the end I realize that this was not a good talent, and even I havent nake a good choise. fortunately, Dinysus was a good god and he allows me to was away my touch of gold in teh river Pactolus.
Joel Skidmore. "mythweb" http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/entries/midas.html
Novemeber 26 2007
Isabela Velez U. 10a