Greek Mythology postings from Ms. Yates' 10A English class!
Andrea Teuber. (1998). The Myth of Sisyphus. Retrieved November 26, 2007 from http://people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/sisyphus1.html
Joel Skidmore. (1993). Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology: Sisyphus. Retrieved November 26, 2007 from http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/entries/sisyphus.html
Camila Jaramillo Salazar 10a
www.pantheon.org/articles/p/poseidon.html AuthorPaige Sellers
I am Perseus, mostly remembered for the killing of the Gorgon Medusa. My Parents were Jupiter (Zeus) and Danaë. When I was little my father alarmed by an oracle that told him I will be the instrument of his death, he sent me on a chest to the seas. The chest floated toward Seriphus, where I was found by a fisherman. Fortunately the man took me to Polydectes, the king of the country who treat us with kindness. Time passed, and when I grew up Polydectes sent me to kill Medusa.
Medusa was a terrible monster that laid on the country. She has been once a beautiful maiden known by her beautiful hair, unlucky her she dare with Minerva to vie in beauty. The goodness disadvantaged her of her charms and changed her beautiful hair into horrible serpents. Medusa became a cruel monster of such a terrible aspect, that every living thing that saw her immediately turned into stone. It was believed that her cavern was covered with stony figures of animals and men who had once saw her and had been petrified with the sight.
Returning to my life story, when I was sent to attempt the conquest of Medusa, I received both, Minerva and Mercury’s help. The way I kill her was very simple, I enter to her cavern while she slept. Taking care of not looking at her directly, I used her reflection on the shield I wore. What I do next, was cut off her head ending with her life. Finally I gave the horrible creature head to Minerva.
Jalin Inc. “Perseus and Medusa” http://www.online-mythology.com/perseus_medusa/
BULLFINCH,Thomas."Perseus and Medusa" is reprinted from The Age of Fable.Boston: Lothrop, 1894. http://www.usefultrivia.com/mythology/perseus_and_medusa.html
DIBON-SMITH, Richard. “Perseus” http://www.dibonsmith.com/per_con.htm
Carolina Poch Enciso
Eduardo Sánchez Arango
°WOMEN TUNICS: Usually ankle length.
°MEN TUNICS: Shorter than women tunics.
Aphrodite - goddess of love
Ares - god of war
Athena - goddess of war and wisdom
Poseidon - god of the sea
BY: Juan Pablo Valencia and Camila Jaramillo
BY: Carolina Angel and Eugenia Robledo 10A
- Many sports existed before Ancient Greece. The relevance of these sports to the Greeks was incredibly important to their culture. Due to this, they created the Olympic Games which were held in a small village of Peloponnesus called Olympia.
- The Olympic Games were a series of competitions between the city–states of Ancient Greece. They were held between 776 BCE until 393 ACE.
- The origin of these competitions is still unknown yet it is claimed that they came from a series of myths such as the ones of Pelops and Heracles.
- The games first started in Olympia, Greece near the sanctuary site of Zeus. They were held every four years calling this period an Olympiad, which was a basis for the calendar system. Over the years, there was a struggle in Greece to control the Olympics.
- Back then, only free men who spoke Greek were allowed to participate. This men had to compete nude due to a law established in 720 BCE.
- The first competition they had was the Stadion Race which consisted of running a length of 180 – 240 meters which was the length of the stadium. Later the Diaulos, Dolichos, Hoplitodromos were introduced as well as some of the common games that exist today that were compacted in the Pentathlon.
- The winner athletes were awarded an olive branch which represented a lot of honor and respect.
- Some of these competitors were:
+ Aurelios Zopyros
+ Acanthus of Sparta
+ Chionis of Sparta
+ Kyniska of Sparta
+ Diagoras of Rhodes
+ Leonidas of Rhodes
+ Astylos of Croton
+ Milo of Croton
Eduardo Sanchez, Sergio Salazar, Camila Zuluaga
-Kotynski, Edward J. "The Athletics of the Ancient Olympics: A Summary and Research Tool". Retrieved on November 19, 2007.
-Mallowitz, Alfred. "Cult and Competition Locations at Olympia" Retrieved on November 19, 2007
-Ancient Olympic Games. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006. Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved on November 19, 2007
-The Geometric
-The Archaic
-The Classical
-The Hellenistic
The history of Ancient Greek pottery is divided into four periods:
-The Protogeometric from about 1050 BC
-The Geometric from about 900 BC
-The Black Figure from the early 7th century BC
The greatest works of the Classical period were the Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Statue of Athena Parthenos
Best Hellenistic sculptures are:
-The Winged Victory of Samothrace.
- The statue of Aphrodite from the island of Melos, known as the Venus de Milo.
-The Dying Gaul